Moving Forward and Ritual Contest Thank You
April saw the lodge off and running full steam with many new officers and committee chairs. Life is like that – we never know how things may change and the beauty of this group is that we adapt.
You’ll notice we have a new Kitchen Manager and I’m SO excited that Sandra Baker has accepted the position. In conjunction with the House Committee and our Bar Manager, Ramona Mestas, I’m looking forward to some wonderful events ahead.
Speaking of events, I want to thank our Ritual Team for the great job they did at contest. Under the tutelage of our coach PER/PAVP Warren Guest our team made up of Ruben Andrade, Joe Hodgkinson, Susan Bunn, Charlie Guest, Paul Wagner and our Candidate Ted Hodgkinson have been practicing for weeks to be able to inspire new candidates as they become part of the history. Our Lecturing Knight Steve Rushford requested a sub due to a major scheduling conflict so our own Rebecca Watts graciously stepped in, as always, to allow us to have a full complement from our own lodge.
You’ll notice a new area in the bulletin with a picture for “Member of the Month”. Each month I’ll highlight a different member and it is NO EASY TASK since so many members work so hard for the lodge. But I want to thank our Member of the Month, Colleen Heller. I know attending another “meeting” isn’t the most fun we can have but the Lodge Meetings are where the decisions are made and as an officer, it feels good to have other members there so that we are not operating in a vacuum. Colleen always makes it into the meeting even though she must first secure the bar and then know that as soon as the meeting is over, she’s going to have to do it all over again. For that dedication, I really appreciate her and her efforts!
May brings many more activities to gather together including Cinco de Mayo, Mother’s Day, our Youth Scholarship Dinner, Memorial Day and our CHEA Convention so I hope to see you at the lodge on one or more of the occasions.
Thank you for being part of my world!
Kira Wagner, Exalted Ruler
Strengthening Elkdom through Communication and Teamwork!