California Hawaii Elks Major Project

The Purple Pig

The Purple Pig is the fundraising arm of the California-Hawaii Elks Association Major Project, Inc. (CHEMPI).

The California-Hawaii Elks Association (CHEA) has raised over $116.2 million since 1950 to support children with disabilities. Their Major Project, often referred to as The Purple Pig, funds services such as physical therapy and vision care at no cost to families.

Bequests and Living Trust

BLT Legacy gifts provide invaluable funding to the California-Hawaii Elks Major Project, Inc. (CHEMPI, also known as “the Major Project”). These gifts ensure we can assist disabled children for years to come.

There are many ways to give, and every gift is appreciated and well spent. In fact, 96% of every dollar contributed directly benefits the children we help. As with all donations made to CHEMPI, legacy gifts are tax-deductible.

Here are just a few ways to help the children of the future:

  • Add the California-Hawaii Elks Major Project, Inc. as a beneficiary to any life insurance policy.
  • Include the California-Hawaii Elks Major Project, Inc. in your will or estate plan.
  • Create a Commitment Trust.  This gift requires a minimum contribution of $10,000 and provides benefits to the donor as well as the children we serve:
    • The initial gift is tax deductible for the donor.
    • In the first year after the gift is made, the donor receives $700 in income from the trust.
    • After the first year, the donor receives an annual payment of 7% based on the value of the trust.  Payments continue for the life of the donor and the donor’s spouse.

After both the donor and the  spouse pass, all monies remaining in the BLT Commitment Trust go to the Major Project.

If you are interested in creating a BLT Commitment Trust, contact us and we will help you get started.


CALIFORNIA-HAWAII ELKS MAJOR PROJECT, INC (CHEMPI) provides therapy for disabled children and early vision screening for children in the following:

Occupational Therapy

Through individual home instruction, the goal for all children in the program is to become as independent and self-sufficient as possible. Our occupational therapists, in collaboration with parents, teach children essential skills ranging from feeding and dressing to managing sensory integration and learning to play.

Speech-Language Therapy

The gift of communication, the promise of the future – thanks to the Elks. Our highly trained Elks Major Project speech-language pathologists can diagnose various communication disorders and coordinate a home therapy program with parents. The staff addresses many speech-language issues, including swallowing or feeding difficulties.

Preschool Vision Screeners

Preschool Vision Screeners travel from school to school to test kids for any kind of visual problems, from mild to severe. Kids whose vision problems are treated early on have a much better chance of seeing clearly through their lives…and without CHEMPI to screen them for early signs they could simply and literally go blind.

When you see the Purple Pig – please give generously!